It's said that if you're not disgusted by code you wrote six months ago, you've stopped learning.


This page contains several assorted spare-time projects, which no longer have any relation. They are listed in roughly chronological order (newest first). Unless specified otherwise, you may feel free to use and modify both the binaries and any source code, for any purpose, on the general condition you do not misrepresent who the author is (BSD license).

Some of these projects formerly appeared on Google Code here, but were moved following the discontinuation of the Google Code binary download system.

Projects (174)

miqt, MIT-licensed Qt bindings for Go (mirror) more...
bindings cgo go golang qt qt5 qtwidgets
mkkmod, pack a binary into a self-contained, self-executing Linux kernel module using the usermode driver infrastructure more...
yvbolt, a graphical browser for Bolt databases using GoVCL more...
bolt db golang govcl
countdown-bash, a generator and recursive solver for the Countdown Numbers game more...
bash game
crowns, AI and simulator for the card game Five Crowns more...
ai game golang
pxasme, a single-pass x86_64 assembler that emits relocatable ELF64 objects more...
golang pl
srt-split-for-deepl, split an .srt subtitle file into batches of 5000 characters to help machine-translate it with deepl more...
imgur-rescue-project, utilities to archive images from after the April 2023 ToS change more...
golang php scraper
llamacpphtmld, a web interface and API for the LLaMA large language AI model, based on the llama.cpp runtime more...
ai golang
riscvemu, an interpreter for the RV32I instruction set more...
golang pl
myrunningmancom-scraper, a metadata scraper for the website more...
fin-will-be-leg, a script to find out how this meme can be applied to english words more...
article bash
loadtup-dl, a tool to download subtitled videos from the website more...
anime golang scraper
snapdragon-explorer, a chart to categorize 64-bit Qualcomm Snapdragon SoCs by the number of big+little CPU cores of each Cortex generation more...
php2go, convert PHP source code to Go by AST walking more...
golang php pl
interpreter-binary-perf, brief performance testing of binary/decimal conversion functions in different scripting interpreters more...
article benchmark
update-gitea-ctimes, a script to modify creation time flags in Gitea to match the oldest Git commit more...
teafolio, web-based portfolio frontend for Gitea more...
webscaffold, a sample web application project that can be adopted as a base more...
golang typescript
yatwiki-legacy, a semi-anonymous wiki for use in trusted environments more...
archive-legacy, a web interface for browsing chat logs more...
my-kde-servicemenus, ServiceMenus to launch some apps from Dolphin more...
hg2git, wrapper script to convert a mercurial repository to git more...
pa-card-profile-tray, tray applet to change audio card profiles in PulseAudio more...
cpp qt
nmdc-telegramfrontend, a bot to synchronise chat between an DC hub and a Telegram supergroup more...
golang nmdc
vcfdiff, a command-line VCF parser and contact-aware diff utility more...
terrapingit, a graphical git client more...
cpp qt
contented, a file / image / paste upload server with a focus on embedding more...
x11glove, a graphical X11 inspector more...
cpp qt
webdir, a web-based directory viewer more...
achmed, a TCP reverse proxy with SNI-based routing and Let's Encrypt support more...
qbolt, a graphical database manager for BoltDB more...
cpp golang qt
filter-recent, a utility to filter recent items from GNOME applications more...
qsdkmanager, a graphical interface for the Android SDK package manager more...
chmod-reset, reset file permissions via file introspection more...
hg-git-debian, an unofficial rebuild of the mercurial-git package for Debian Stretch more...
oradel-chance, calculate attack probabilities in the board game "Oracle of Delphi" more...
webcmd, a web-based interface for arbitrary command-line tools more...
rren2, a command-line bulk renaming utility more...
plexus, a table-driven parser/lexer with no precompilation phase more...
autoalbum, a bulk renaming utility for audio files more...
rustmines, an ncurses minesweeper clone more...
trpcd, a custom server implementing the Transmission RPC protocol more...
tracker, an audio sequencer more...
thumbnail, a thumbnailing library for Go more...
imagequant, Go bindings for libimagequant more...
minipato, a Sokoban game with level editor more...
surcharge-calculator, determine what surcharge is worth paying in order to offset a loan more...
nmdc-webfrontend, a web interface to an NMDC hub more...
golang nmdc
makedeb, a library for producing deb packages (Debian/Ubuntu) on other platforms more...
compression-performance-test, a test suite for general purpose lossless data compressors more...
article benchmark
cygwin-toolchain-switcher, switch 'gcc' in Cygwin to point to another toolchain more...
flickelectricnz-go, a library to retrieve pricing information from the NZ electricity retailer "Flick" more...
gash, a POSIX shell more...
chameleon, a codec for the Chameleon compression format more...
compression golang
pipe, a clone of the game Pipe Mania more...
nmdc-ircfrontend, an IRC protocol frontend for an NMDC server more...
agplv3 irc nmdc
rssbuffer, an RSS server that buffers messages from other RSS feeds more...
godist, a template shell script for building golang binaries for distribution more...
nmdc-log-service, a logging service for NMDC hubs more...
golang nmdc
libnmdc, NMDC protocol library in Go more...
golang nmdc
miroscrape, scraper for more...
asmbuilder, an assembler for x86_32 more...
unzoomify, find and combine images from a Zoomify tileset more...
booru-upgrade, upgrades sample images to full resolution from xBooru servers more...
smtpd, an SMTP server library more...
acme-setup, scripts to generate and automate ACME TLS certificate deployment more...
mini-expect, an expect(1) clone that doesn't corrupt CR bytes more...
nine-letter-puzzle-solver, solver for the nine-letter puzzle more...
divis-inability, a roundabout way of testing divisibility more...
cgi, a minimax AI for the card game Hearts more...
game nodejs
assimilate-packer, a shell script to handle precomp+zpaq compression workflow more...
bash compression
anidbmirror, script to mirror data from to a local sqlite database more...
anime scraper
opengular, a declarative two-way data binding library for Javascript more...
tagserver, an in-memory key-value store with HTTP interface more...
serohiege, a proof-of-concept game implementing some certain mechanics more...
workarea, a utility to set the desktop workspace area more...
wtcget, a scraper for the site that merges split images more...
libvncd, a VNC server providing a custom framebuffer more...
flagscrape, a script to scrape all submissions for New Zealand's 2015 flag referendum more...
uninstaller, an uninstaller app for Android with several different backends more...
mwheel, allow changing virtual-desktops in Windows 10 by mousewheel on the desktop more...
hgwiki, a web-based wiki system using Mercurial as a backing store more...
touchpadctl, shell script to toggle laptop touchpad using xinput more...
flfuel, a fuel tracking program more...
fltkmchart, a 2D connected-scatter chart component for FLTK more...
acrostic-gen, script to generate random acrostic gibberish more...
paas, a platform for running hosted applications more...
natgeo-wic, a WIC codec to parse image National Geographic magazine scans more...
socktailf, a unix tool to circularly buffer stdin for a local socket more...
livesetsus-dl, a downloader for more...
php-build, script to build a win32 PHP build environment more...
cmd2exe, shell script to create an .exe wrapper for a windows command more...
tupac, a set of functions to pack multiple ints into one more...
gdget, a gallery downloader for Google Drive shared folders more...
shunt-tags, script to rename filenames in a certain way more...
anime php
php2exe, a tool to turn command-line php scripts into exe files more...
phppack, an obfuscator, minifier and packer for PHP files more...
register-cygwin-filetypes, batch script to set up file associations on Windows more...
shmup, a primitive vertical shooter for the Nintendo Game Boy more...
game homebrew
ptokaxinst, an installer for the DC hubsoft PtokaX more...
nyaascrape, a scraper and ui for maintaining a mirror of NyaaTorrents more...
anime scraper torrent
atticinst, an installer for the backup program attic more...
rcondo, `rcondo` is an agentless configuration management tool for Linux servers more...
ncb, a DSL for writing condensed nginx configurations more...
pl sysadmin
mld, a COFF linker targeting Win32 PE more...
webcpl, a web-based control panel for managing shared PHP virtual hosting more...
nodebundle, combine multiple js files with their dependencies into a single selfcontained script more...
mchart, a minimal charting library more...
archive, a web interface for browsing chat logs more...
crype, deterministic syncable/diffable encryption, for files or pipes more...
pint, a minimal expression evaluator with pluggable functions more...
torrent, a command-line tool to search multiple sources and add torrents to transmission more...
anime scraper torrent
blog, a static blog generator more...
cah, game server, similar to Cards Against Humanity more...
game nodejs
logodemo, animated logo more...
qi-fail-generator, a joke website to generate failure messages in the style of the TV show "QI" more...
soundcloud-dl, a music and metadata downloader for the web service more...
ncdcinstaller, ncdc for Android more...
fxe, a formula parser written identically in multiple languages more...
pexl-D, a statically typed, compiled programming language more...
autonyaa, shell script to download torrents from nyaa and automatically add them to transmission more...
anime torrent
nodeupdate, shell script to update node.js binaries from more...
opencommandio, a web-based parallel SSH console for managing multiple linux servers more...
manga-dl, a command-line batch downloader for manga websites more...
anime php
codesite, a static site generator for a portfolio website more...
bash php
dwigif, creates dealwithit gif images with custom positioning more...
trademe-image-expand, a bookmarklet to enhance the website more...
munin-snap, munin scripts for retrieving information from the NZ ISP Snap Internet more...
milo, a web-based accounting software package more...
iotd, an image gallery software more...
tplgen, a language-agnostic template precompiler for mixing output strings with source code more...
hnhance, a browser extension for the website Hacker News more...
mhx2, a crossplatform embeddable web server, including a standalone web server with CGI support more...
dcwebui2, a web interface to an NMDC hub more...
monitortoy, a utility to help measure and layout a multimonitor setup more...
sorts, a graphical visualisation of sorting algorithms more...
nmdc.js, a node.js library for chatting on an NMDC server more...
chess.js, a (bad) chess AI more...
game nodejs
malscrape, a scraper for the website more...
anime scraper
tpb, a web interface for a certain type of magnet link dump more...
mrml, a forth-like formula expression evaluator more...
yatwiki, wiki in Go more...
golang php
mcwebui, two web interfaces for the game Minecraft more...
game php
enames, a web service for generating novelty short email domains more...
pspdc, an NMDC hub client for the Sony PSP (homebrew) more...
homebrew nmdc
pexl-C, an embeddable programming language more...
mrdiff, a binary-safe diff/merge/patch library for multiple languages more...
minisp, a lisp interpreter based on Peter Norvig's more...
huffenc, huffman entropy coder more...
ssim, a command-line utility for objectively comparing image quality, including a short report more...
mudc, an interactive javascript environment based on TinyJS more...
ctrace, a simple multithreaded raytracing engine more...
thunderbird-webui, a web-based interface for Mozilla Thunderbird more...
mcompletescript, a PtokaX extension adding several features more...
mpopup, a utility for making your own custom menus in a Windows 7+ jump list more...
tinyib-mappy, a more respectable take on the common imageboard more...
gplv3 php
lilly, an open-source clone of Billy, a popular lightweight music player more...
ndsview, a proof-of-concept desktop streaming hack more...
bmphdr, a command-line utility to write out custom BMP headers more...
mychess, a two-human chess service with RSS support more...
useui, a multi-user web interface for SABnzbd+ more...
utui, a multi-user web interface for uTorrent more...
jmdc, An NMDC client for J2ME mobiles more...
ut2dc, a uTorrent bot for an NMDC server more...
nmdc torrent
dicehub, a single-threaded NMDC server using non-blocking winsock more...
flexdc, a web interface to an NMDC hub more...
dcwebui, a web interface to an NMDC hub more...
rren, a command-line batch renaming client for Windows, using TR1 regexes more...
cedc, an NMDC hub client for Windows CE. Binaries supplied for multiple architectures more...
encoder, a batch video re-encode utility more...
compression vb6
csprofiler, a saved-game manager for the game Cave Story more...
0.vbs, a script that renames itself when run, as a counter more...
oldutil, 37 older projects, mostly dating from around 2006-2007 more...
game nmdc