
An RSS server that buffers messages from other RSS feeds.

Existing RSS/Atom servers supply a finite list of recent articles. A feed reader is expected to retrieve articles regularly enough so that no articles are missed. This project retrieves upstream articles regularly and buffers them in order to provide a much larger set of articles downstream.


  1. Launch the server application (e.g. rssbuffer -BindTo ':8080')

  2. Identify an upstream RSS feed (e.g.

  3. Navigate to localhost:8080/rss/http:/

  • The upstream RSS feed will be fetched, parsed, cached and returned automatically.
  • The upstream feed will be refreshed regularly in order to provide new articles.
  • rssbuffer will provide up to -HistoryDays days of articles.


Usage of rssbuffer:
  -BackgroundRefreshMinutes int
        Interval between refreshing known feeds (default 30)
  -BindTo string
        Address/port to bind to (default "")
  -HistoryDays int
        Number of days' history to return in queries (default 7)
        Verbose logging


2017-02-04 1.0.1

2016-05-01 1.0.0